Friday, June 20, 2008


The pukes have invades my house. Kid #2 puked all night and laid on the couch all day thinking she might. Kid #1 says she isn't feeling well. What a (nother) great way to start summer break. At least the boys are healthy... for now.
I was outside at 11 pm last night spraying everything with the water hose that kid #2 puked on. Why oh why can't she ever make it to the toilet... or a garbage can?? Anything is better than the floor! She had a bowl next to her the rest of the night. Come to think of it, none of the kids ever make it to the bathroom. Ugh...

Now I'm not feeling so hot... Wonder if kid #2 gave it to me??

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Can the kids be any more nutty?? I swear the bell rang for the last time at school, and all there energy bursted out of them today.
Kid #4 decided tonight would be a good time to break a glass in the kitchen. So I spent part of the evening sweeping, vacuuming and mopping the kitchen floor. While I was doing that, kid #1 and #2 decided to fight about the t.v., and so they both got sent to there rooms. Great way for them to start their summer break. ugh
The countdown has begun for my small trip I am taking. In 2 weeks I will be in sunny (hopefully) CO.!Taking kid #4 with me.
That's it, too tired to type anymore.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer ???

Only 2 hours of school tomorrow. Then it is summer break. Doesn't feel like summer. Keeps raining here and it hasn't got past 75* in awhile now. Not that I'm complaining, I hate the heat, but it makes for cranky kids feeling couped up in the house.
With the kids graduating from there perspective grade, it has made me feel a bit on the older side of life. I remember like it was yesterday what it was like to be in the grades they are "graduating" from. I now have a 9th grader, 5th grader and a 1st grader. Ack...
We don't have much plans for the summer as I thought we did, so that could make it even longer than ever. As I have said in a previous post, I am looking forward to sleeping in and not having to rush around to get kids off to school. Oh, and thank goodness we have a pool to swim in. If only the weather would cooperate.
Better get dinner going so the kids don't think I am trying to starve them. lol.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back again. This will be a rare occurrence to have me blog twice in one day. I don't have a choice. Sometime this morning while trying to pick up child #4, my back gave out. Extreme pain and could barely walk...actually at one point I couldn't walk. I would just stand there saying "ow, ow, ow". What normally would take me seconds to get down the stairs, took me 15 minutes. Every step was excruciating. Had to use #1 and #2's shoulders just to keep myself upright. I call my DH, who is still fishing. He is of no help whatsoever, tells me to lay down. If I could move into a position for me to lay down, I would have. I couldn't even sit without the pain shooting up my leg and back. I took some ibuprofen, which seemed to dull the pain, but it is still there. Sitting to long doesn't help. Standing too long doesn't help either. It's a no win situation. I really hope that going to bed tonight will help.
So here I sit, waiting for the tweaking pain to leave my body so I can get up in a few. #2 child has an event tonight that I have to be at. Then it is off to dinner with the IL's. Joy.
What can I say? I am home alone with the kids today. DH went fishing by himself. It is Fathers day, so why not, right? But the kids that are awake are being crazy as usual. Ugh. Called DH and he seems to think he will be gone ALL day!! Ummm, no. My child that is still asleep really needs to get up already. I swear we try to get them to sleep when they are little, and then when they turn into a teenager, we can't get them to wake up! I can never win!
The sun finally decided to come out today, so hopefully the kids can get outside today to run off some of there energy. I have the wagon ready to take them for a walk, but, I really need to do some cleaning today. I know the cleaning can wait, and probably will, but that just means more work for me tomorrow. Landlord is coming tomorrow, so I need to make the place look respectable.
Since my #3 kid is talking while I am typing, I better go. He won't go away. OK nice, now he crawled on my back....seriously never a dull moment around here!

Happy Fathers day to all the dads out there!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The dentist did not go well today. Who would have thought that dentist like to milk ya for every penny you have (or don't have, in my case) ? I am completely screwed. I am secretly hoping the money fairy will sprinkle a bit my way. If not, then I will have a hole in my mouth for quite awhile.
Kids are nuts, as usuall. Oldest has a huge project due tomorrow and needs to look professional when she presents it to the class. She hates anything that resembles a dress or skirt. Actually I think she only wears denim. Jeans and t-shirt is her thing. I can't convince her 14 year old self that there are other options. So tonight she is scrambling to find something to wear. She has insisted I take her to Target to find something suitable. That's not happening. No money means no money. She has a brown skirt, but insists that she wants to wear black. I will win this one, since no money really means no money. She'll figure it out. Eventually... I love her dearly, but she sure knows how to test my patience.
Well, I have to go find a ball the kids threw in the neighbors yard. Joy...

Monday, June 9, 2008

What do you do with a child that doesn't sleep? Or won't? I take him downstairs and sleep on the couch for half the night. fun times. Then he slept all morning instead of his regular naptime, which really screws up the whole day. It also would have been nice to take a nap with him. So I am sleep deprived, and a little grumpy about the whole thing. I am hoping tonight will be better.
I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. It has been awhile since I have been, and now, one of my teeth broke off. I am forced to go.
Short and sweet again, power is flickering, so I really should turn this darn thing off.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bugs and balls? Hmm sons favorite things right now. Why start this? I have so many other things to do. This is for me. Something I have wanted to get started doing for awhile now, just no time. School is letting out soon and the hectic days of summer are approaching. Gymnastics, camp, birthday parties for 2 of the kidlets, road trips and an airplane trip with just me and the baby. The last should be interesting. I haven't flown since ... can't seem to actually remember when I last flew. It's been awhile. The baby has never flown, and I have never flown with an almost 2 year old before. Should be interesting. I am glad school is almost out. No more rushing around in the morning to get 3 of the four kidlets out the door. Can't wait. Ahh, but I do have to get 1 kidlet off to summer school for a month. That's ok. We are in walking distance of the school so I can get a little exercise in daily.
Short and sweet. That will be my first post ever.